World Green Roof Day 2021
On 6th June 2021, World Green Roof Day is taking place to celebrate green roofs all over the world and the many benefits they bring to people and the environment, and to also get cities and towns all over the world to think about how they can deliver green roofs within their area.
Bauder is hugely proud to apart of the green roof industry because of the positive impact they have on the environment and climate change. Green roofs help maintain a buildings temperature by regulating temperature variability, insulating it from cold weather in the winter and absorbing the heat in summer. This reduces central heating and air-conditioning costs.
To highlight
Green Roof Organisation (GRO) becoming the Trade Association for the green roof industry, they have launched an updated version of the GRO Code. After 7 years, the new GRO Code looks to develop the guidance for the specification and building of green roofs.
It gives greater detail on:
🟢 Vegetation
🟢 Drainage boards
🟢 Substrate make-up
🟢 Additional information on Fire Performance and Biodiversity Net Gain.