Blue Roof Systems
Rooftop sustainable urban drainage solutions (SuDS)
The development and expansion of towns and cities has seen exponential use of impervious surfaces causing artificially high rates of rainwater runoff. In measures to prevent flooding, planners are restricting the amount of rainwater leaving a site via the drainage system which can be limited to 5-10 litres per second per hectare, the same flow rates for regional greenfield sites.
What is a blue roof?
A BauderBLUE roof controls rainwater where it lands, one of the core pillars of SuDS design. The blue roof outlet restricts the discharge of stormwater to a calculated and defined flow rate to significantly slow down the volume of water leaving the site. As the storm passes, water continues to discharge from the roof at a controlled rate over a set period (typically up to 48 hrs).
This rooftop SuDS design has weight load implications and the project’s structural engineer will need to be engaged at an early stage.
There are different options available to the construction designer to achieve a blue roof depending on the finish desired and the volume of water to be attenuated.