Blue Roof Systems

Bauder's blue roof systems control rainwater where it lands to fuiflll one of the core pillars of sustainable urban drainage soloutions (SuDS) design. The systems incorporates a blue roof outlet which restricts the discharge of stormwater to a calculated and defined flow rate to significantly slow down the volume of water leaving the site. As the storm passes, water continues to discharge from the roof at a controlled rate over a set period.

Blue roof products
  • BauderBLUE ST-B

    Adjustable flow restrictor used to control the flow of water from a bitumen blue roof system.

  • BauderBLUE ST-HM

    Adjustable flow restrictor used to control the flow of water from a hot melt blue roof system.

  • BauderBLUE SR-B

    Blue roof flow restrictor for use in conjunction with Bauder bitumen blue roof vertical outlet DN70.

STORMsub components