Why use PV on flat roofs?
Flat roofs provide the ideal location to site a PV array. They are unlikely to suffer from shading, provide easy access for installation and maintainenance, and will be visually inconspicuous. Large commercial or public buildings can often have the most suitable energy profile to benefit from the energy produced from a PV array.
A rooftop solar PV array is safe and easy to install and delivers energy close to the point of consumption.
Drivers for New Build Applications
Drivers for Retrofit Applications
Incorporating photovoltaic panels into a design brings all the benefits of low maintenance renewable energy generation to a project. Below are just some of the key drivers for choosing a PV scheme in a new build application:
- BREEAM requirements for buildings often call for site sourced renewables. Minimum of 30% CO2 reduction from site based renewables is required to achieve maximum credits.
- Satisfying the obligations of many local authorities, such as the GLA under the London Plan, will require all new developments to ensure a percentage of a building’s energy usage is supplied by site sourced renewables.
- Scottish government has tightened code requirements calling for a minimum 1.5kWp per plot for new homes.
- Provide energy security for the future and save money.
Retrofitting photovoltaic panels brings all the benefits of low maintenance renewable energy generation to your project. Below are just some of the key drivers for choosing to add PV to an existing flat roof:Reduce energy bills.
- Provide energy security for the future.
- Reducing your building's carbon footprint.
- Improve the value and rentability of building stock.