Solar PV for Sustainable Energy Generation

A flat roof is often the ideal place for a solar photovoltaic (PV) installation as it generally provides an unobstructed space that is perfectly positioned to catch as much sunlight as possible and the electrical production from the installed PV array converts your roof in to a small power plant.

Why PV?

Our photovoltaic solutions are specifically designed to deliver efficient energy generation on flat roofs, green and blue roofs and to ensure the waterproofing system beneath remains completely intact and without compromise.

The installation process of both of our photovoltaic systems is quick and simple; only our approved contractors, engineers and installers are fully trained and certified to install our unified rooftop solutions. Through our portolio we guarantee the entire specified Bauder roof package rather than a separate element, giving single source point of contact and responsibility to reduce risk.

Specifying a solar PV array

A flat roof is the ideal place for a solar photovoltaic installation to generate site-sourced electricity. Renewable energy generation has a big role to play in the delivery of a net zero carbon building and integrating renewables allows it to meet a proportion of its own energy needs, minimise carbon emissions, and reduce building running costs.

Outline of our solar PV systems

There are two systems in our portfolio, BauderSOLAR F and BauderSOLAR G LIGHT, plus points for both systems are:

  • Penetration-free installation of mounting system to reduce risk.
  • Variety of solar PV modules to suit client needs and budget.
  • Range of Bauder waterproofing options.
  • Comprehensive range of guarantee packages to suit project requirements.

Achieving technical objectives

Bauder solar PV array designs meet MCS PV Guide requirements and IET Codes of Practice.
System designs comply with:
  • BSEN 1991-1-4 Wind Actions on Structures
  • BRE Digest DG 489 rev 2014

Installation and maintenance

The quality and experience of the installing operative is paramount to ensuring a successful project. Bauder Approved Contractors are the only people fully trained and certified to install our products. They provide the necessary experience that our exceptional guarantee demands.
Go to approved contractor information ►
Go to maintenance advice ►


Contact us today about your project

Each project is unique in its requirements, but we have case studies and examples of our work available for you to look at. If you are looking for a specific roof system, then get in touch with our team to discuss your project’s individual needs.
